Author Archives: Catherine Fisher

The Terror- A reading.

The Terror- A reading.

The Three Impostors Press are republishing Arthur Machen’s first world War thriller The Terror, in a limited edition hardback with an introduction from Tim Lebbon. Tim will be talking about the book, and I will be reading from it, at Arcadia Cafe in Newport on December 5th. I’ll also be bringing some of my own books for sale.

Machen of course was not a children’s writer, but was born in Caerleon in 1863, and is one of Wales most influential writers of strange and weird tales.


Starspill is here!

Starspill is here!

It’s been over a hundred years since the Wolf swallowed the Sun, and the town of Starspill is wreathed in eternal fog. But a boy called Zac  is woken at night and given a task to do by the haughty cats of the town… even though the thought of him scares him stiff! … I… Continue reading

Coming soon – STARSPILL

Coming soon – STARSPILL

My new novel for children,  STARSPILL, will be published on 6th September by Firefly Press, with a lovely cover by Anne Glenn. It features cats, stars, books and a lot of Fog, and was great fun to write. I hope all readers of the CLOCKWORK CROW series will enjoy it.     Continue reading

Culhwch and Olwen publishing on 6th June.

Culhwch and Olwen publishing on 6th June.

I’m delighted to reveal the cover for Culhwch and Olwen (designed and illustrated by Efa Lois. Published by Graffeg Press. ) Publication is on 6th June, and it will be great to see a project I have long wanted to write out in the world. This is the earliest full Arthurian tale, an explosion of… Continue reading

Poetry Wales

Poetry Wales

Poetry Wales I’m delighted to have a poem in the most recent edition of Wales’ premier poetry magazine, Poetry Wales. Dylan Eil Ton is about a character in the Mabinogi who appears only briefly and then runs away from his own story. As most of us would like to, probably, at some time! I am… Continue reading

The Yellow Nineties Launch.

The Yellow Nineties Launch.

The Yellow Nineties was launched at Atlantis Bookshop in London last week with a very receptive and friendly audience. The booklet is the third in the London Adventures series published by the Three Impostors Press. The first two in the series are House of Flies by Iain Sinclair and Alice of London Fields by Xiaolu Guo. Each is… Continue reading



Someone is stealing the Tears of Sapphique…   Readers who enjoyed the first two Incarceron novels may be interested to hear that I am now writing a third. Lachrymere is well underway, and it’s early days as yet, but I am very much enjoying re-visiting the dark and dangerous world of the Prison and the… Continue reading

Coming this year; STARSPILL.

Coming this year; STARSPILL.

Happy 2024. It promises to be a busy year. My new children’s fantasy novel STARSPILL will be published this year from Firefly Press, probably in October. Set in a Fog-bound town where the cats can talk, it features falling stars, a labyrinthine Map and a Wolf that swallowed the Sun. I hope it will be… Continue reading

Coming soon! Culhwch and Olwen

Coming soon! Culhwch and Olwen

http://https;//’ I’m delighted to announce that my new version of the ancient Welsh story of Culhwch and Olwen will be appearing next year from Graffeg. It’s a story that has always fascinated me, and trying to shape it into a new form was a real joy. Culhwch, a prince born in a pig sty, is… Continue reading

News about new work

News about new work

I have been working on a few projects that should start to appear soon. My next novel for children will appear from Firefly Press next year. STARSPILL is a fantasy tale with falling stars, a bookshop, and a hundred cats. Everything you ever wanted, really. I have also completed a version of the Welsh story… Continue reading